Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy addresses how the Financial Supervisory Authority collects and processes personal information in connection with the authority's performance of tasks.

We process the information you provide us with, or that we collect, in accordance with national regulations. We are conscious that your information must be processed with respect for their confidentiality and your privacy

What is personal data?

Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. That is, all forms of information that can be directly or indirectly linked to an individual. For example, this might be first and last name, a private address, email address, account or civil registration number.

The FSA as a data controller

The FSA is the data controller of the personal data we receive from you or about you in connection with a case or request.

The FSA processes the personal data that you provide to us or that we receive from other authorities, businesses or citizens. The FSA may also obtain information about you from other authorities, businesses or citizens when this is necessary for the performance of the FSA’s tasks.

The Financial Supervisory Authority’s basis for processing personal data

The FSA's main task is to supervise financial institutions, including banks and mortgage credit institutions, pension and insurance undertakings. Among other things, the FSA monitors whether undertakings have sufficient capital relative to the risks they have assumed, and whether undertakings comply with other financial legislation and regulations on consumer protection.

Most of the FSA's personal data processing takes place as part of the Authority's exercise of public powers.

Our basis for processing general personal data is primarily found in article 6, subsection (1), schedule c and/or e of the general data protection regulation (GDPR). Our newsletters are sent on the basis of consent, cf. article 6, subsection (1), schedule a of the general data protection regulation.

Our basis for processing sensitive personal data is primarily found in article 9, subsection (2), schedule f or j of the general data protection regulation.

The FSA also has a cookie policy which explains how we process cookies on our sites. You can read more about the cookie policy here.

Who has access to your information?

The employees of the FSA have access to your personal information to the extent necessary for processing your case/inquiry or performing our tasks as a public authority. Your personal information is kept secure and confidential.

How long do we store your information?

Information about you is stored for as long as we believe it necessary in order to fulfil our obligations as a public authority, and to comply with applicable law, including the archives act.

When do we disclose your information?

We will only disclose information when it is necessary for our common task performance. Information can also be passed on, if this is necessary in order for other authorities to perform their tasks. By extension, it should be noted that the information which employees of the FSA become aware of through supervisory activities may only be transferred in a few cases and in accordance with the duty of confidentiality established in section 354 of the Danish Financial Business Act.

What rights do you have?

The general data protection regulation gives you certain rights, e.g. the right to receive information about our processing of your personal data (access), right of insight and the right to rectify. These appear from articles 13-18 and articles 20-22 in particular. The FSA is required to give you some information, if we process information about you. This applies both when we receive information from you, and possibly also when we receive information from someone other than yourself.

You can request access to the information that the FSA processes about you. This means that you have the right to see the personal data we have about you, and that you have the right to receive information on how and why we process information about you.

You have the right to rectify erroneous information about you as soon as possible, and you have the right to have additional information added, should the information be incomplete.

You can read about your rights at the Data Protection Agency.

Complaints board

You can complain to the Data Protection Agency about the FSA's processing of your information, should you believe that the processing infringes upon the General Data Protection Regulation.

Data Protection Advisor

The Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs has a data protection advisor, who is also a data protection advisor to the FSA. The data protection advisor may inform you about details regarding the rules of data protection. The data protection advisor may also guide you on your rights in relation to the processing of personal data in the FSA.

The data protection advisor can be contacted at the e-mail address or by telephone +45 33 92 33 50. Please note that if you wish to send secure digital mail, it must be sent to the Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs’s main mailbox, from where it will be forwarded to

Our contact information and about this policy

The Financial Supervisory Authority

Århusgade 110

2100 Copenhagen Ø

Telephone: 33 55 82 82


CRN number: 10598184

The FSA's Privacy Policy was last updated on August 8, 2018